2 Chr. 25:2 – ‘…He did right in the sight of the LORD, yet not with a whole heart.’ (NASB)

Bold was this budding seed
When it first sprouted out the soil;
Victory in trusting the LORD,
And over time he saw the spoils:
Provision, direction, peace—
He had all that he could need,
But pride, idolatry, and downfall
Followed soon behind his greed.

His heart was not united,
His roots not deeply grown;
The proof in that he quickly thought
He did it on his own.
Resisted the counsel of God—
A thorn bush to a tree?
The prophet saw the king’s demise—
I saw a word for me.

“Love Me, and Me to the uttermost;
I shall permit no less.”
My blessed Rock thus crushes me,
Because I must confess:
My weakness is ever before me—
I dread this heart of mine;
Should a sheep reject its Shepherd,
Or a branch denounce its vine?

I’ve come to know the Saviour—
The best among the rest;
His rest I’ve surely entered,
He’s passed my every test.
Yet still so prone to wonder,
And oft to stray I am—
Who can bind my heart to Thee,
Save Thee, oh blessed Lamb?

I want to live this life of mine
With every good work done;
Let it not be said of me that
I withheld from the Son.
Make my heart Your dwelling place,
A temple in my soul;
Let me know a renewed faith that
Makes my double-mind whole.

“Teach me Your way, O LORD,
I will walk in Your truth;
Unite my heart to fear Your name”*—
Even while in my youth.
Oh, help me with my fickleness,
The tide that is my love!
Make my loyalty as unwavering
As the saints’ who dwell above.

(*Ps. 86:11)

(This poem was inspired by the account of King Amaziah of Judah found in 2 Chronicles 25.)

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